Thomas Molesworth died July 19, 1977, in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Molesworth legacy is one of great influence. His success and his longevity speak for themselves. The broad scope of his talent cannot be underestimated; he designed furniture, fabric, metalwork, and accessories to meet the individual desires of his clients. He had a great imagination as well as the tenacity to infuse creativity into his designs. His designs are consistently unified and of the highest quality.
Molesworth had a great love for the West—for its art and its artisans. He had the ability to find the best people in their various fields of deisnng and make them perform to his standards. Each commission was a challenge, but Moleworth’s only constraint was his client’s budget. He worked for those he wanted to and said no if he knew there would be a conflict. There’s yet for a former client to express anything about their experiences with Mr. Molesworth other than genuine admiration, respect and love for the work he created.
The Cody style Molesworth originated is once again alive. Recent auctions of early pieces have fetched considerable sums; there’s a growing market of contemporary designers fashioning reproduction furniture “in the Molesworth Tradition.” Moleworth has become a household name for anything western. We at Fighting Bear Antiques are proud to be a part of that tradition and the Thomas Molesworth legacy.